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This involves taking a digital image through the dermoscope - best done through a dedicated camera/ dermoscope system.

The image is very similar to what we see through the dermoscope but there are advantages and disadvantages to both – the optimal situation is to be able to see the image “live” through the scope and then review the digital image afterwards.

Reviewing the image on the computer allows even greater magnification as well as allowing serial images over time to be compared. In this way we can monitor some mildly suspicious lesions looking for subtle changes.


Often digital dermoscopic images are taken of lesions being excised, especially atypical “moles”. This can be particularly useful when following up with lab reports – checking that the report correlates well with the dermoscopic image. Occasionally when this correlation is not good we can have the lab review the specimen again to ensure there have been no errors. Its just an extra check in the system giving you a better result.

We also take images of lesions that may have caused concern or be subtly atypical but without enough features to warrant excision. We can then re-scan these lesions- often around 3 months later. Comparing these serial images for change can allow early diagnosis of cancers while trying to avoid unnecessary removals.

We store images in a purpose designed secure platform called Dermengine. This has evolving AI capabilities to enhance diagnosis.

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